
A selection of projects I have developed and research I have performed.


[1]Seán K Martin, John P Aggleton, and Shane M O’Mara. Can we conjointly record direct interactions between neurons in vivo in anatomically-connected brain areas? Probabilistic analyses and further implications. Preprint on bioRxiv, 2020. [ bib | pdf | doi ]
[2]Bethany E Frost, Matheus Cafalchio,Seán K Martin, Md. Nurul Islam, John P Aggleton, and Shane M O’Mara. Spatial Coding in the Subiculum Requires Anterior Thalamic Inputs. Preprint on bioRxiv, 2020. [ bib | pdf | doi ]
[3]Md Nurul Islam, Seán K Martin, John P Aggleton, and Shane M O’Mara. Neurochat: A toolbox to analyse the dynamics of neuronal encoding in freely-behaving rodents in vivo. In Wellcome Open Research, 2019. [ bib | pdf | doi ]
[4]Seán K Martin, Seán Bruton, David Ganter, Michael Manzke. Synthesising Light Field Volume Visualisations Using Image Warping in Real-Time. In Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2020. [ bib | pdf | doi ]
[5]Katja Zibrek, Sean Martin, and Rachel McDonnell. Is photorealism important for perception of expressive virtual humans in virtual reality? In ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 2019. [ bib | pdf | doi ]
[6]Seán Martin, Seán Bruton, David Ganter, and Michael Manzke. Using a depth heuristic for light field volume rendering. In 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2019. [ bib | pdf | doi ]
[7]Seán K Martin, Bethany E Frost, John P Aggleton, and Shane M O’Mara. The Effect of Anterior Thalamic Lesions on Bursting in the Subiculum. In Bernstein Computational Neuroscience Conference, 2019. [ bib | pdf | doi ]

Open source contributions

Analysis toolset with GUI for Neuroscience

Lab Software Repository

Analysis toolset with GUI for Neuroscience

LFP analysis

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